We are always open to updating and extending the guidelines and are waiting for your input!

All sources of this webpage are hosted on github at ros-rvft.github.io. Contributions can be sumbitted directly to our github repository. Here's how to do it!

Step 1: Fork

Fork the project on GitHub and clone your fork locally. Make sure you do so from the 'main' branch.

git clone https://github.com/ros-rvft/ros-rvft.github.io

Step 2: Branch

Create a branch and start writing! You can modify existing guidelines, or propose a new one starting from our guideline template.

git checkout -b my-branch -t origin/main

Step 3: Commit

Submit all of your changed files and commit!

git add my/changed/files
git commit

Step 4: Push

Push your commits to the repository, creating a pull request to the main branch.

git push origin my-branch

Step 5: Discuss

After the pull request was created, keep track of it on github where you can discuss your contributions with the team!

Step 6: Merge

The pull request review is finished and the final version of your contribution is added to the guidelines!

Here's an example of a contribution: Feedback Pull Request

Fell free to fork and make additions directly to the source files. Create a pull request and we'll begin discourse in the reviewing process!

You can also forward suggestions directly to ricardo.caldas@chalmers.se!